“Nai Nabhannu La 3” Trailer Released
The official trailer of “Nai Nahannu La” has been released. It is the third sequel of “Nai Nabhannu La”. Directed by Muskan Dhakal, “Nai Nabhannu La...
The official trailer of “Nai Nahannu La” has been released. It is the third sequel of “Nai Nabhannu La”. Directed by Muskan Dhakal, “Nai Nabhannu La...
“Kammar Mathi Patuki” is a newly released song from an upcoming Nepali movie “Nai nabhannu La-3”. Penned and composed by Basanta Sapkota, “Kammar Mathi Patuki” has...
The track “Chhoyo Mayale” is a romantic song, featuring Suraj Singh Thakuri and Sanchita Luitel. Composed and penned by Suresh Adhikari, “Chhoyo Mayale” has been crooned...