The comical adaptation of the Shakespeare’s classic Hamlet as “Hamlet?” written and directed by Ashu Sharma has been staged since 30th of June 017 being staged until 8th of July 017. The story is a spoof and a full entertainment package. This English play under Gypsy Theatre Production led by Mr Himansu Hector Goyal has actors : Mr Ashu Sharma, Ms Subina Pariyar, Ms Aana.Deuja, Ms Anu.Dahal, Mr Parikshit Bikram Rana, Ms Surabhi Sapkota, Mr Sandesh Shakya, Mr Devendra Swod, Mr Bijay Tamrakar, Mr Hemanta Chalise, Ms Sachi Mulmi. The beautiful eye- captivating set design is the idea of Mr Ghanashyam Shrestha where Ms Deuja.has assisted in the set making process. Mr Raj Kumar Pudasaini has designed the light for this comedy play while Ms Glory Thane has wonderfully choreographed the musical dances. Rajindra Bhatta and Mr Amul Shrestha are tactfully handling after the light and sound technicalities. Ms Nisha Giri and Mr Nisan Giri have been the costume designer and stage manager while Sabnam.Chaudhary has been.the finance in charge.
A good strong team of young have had their amazing production done THAT is gaining beautiful audiences at the Sarwanam theatre, Kathmandu, Nepal until this Saturday July 8th 017 / Asar 25th 074.