Kirat Rai film “Yari” became best film in “Nepal Indigenous Film Festival & NIFF award 2018”. Federation of Indigenous People of Nepal in America FIPNA organized Nepal Indigenous Film Festival & NIFF award 2018″ at New York America. Senior cinematographer Yubaraj Rai (Bir Bahadur) directorial film “Yari” illustrates Kirati Rai culture and tradition, it received best film award along with cash rupees one hundred twenty five thousands. Besides best film award director Rai bagged best cameraman award as well.
In total 10 different categories Rajesh Gurung received best actor award from “ Kyu Phro Chhe-Bhedi Gothale”, Gurung film “Kyu Phro Chhe-Bhedi Gothale” also received public choice award, Bhintuna Joshi received best actress award from the film “Swayanagu”, Priya Tamang received best story award from “Semki Tem”, Arun Kumar Pradhan received best director award from Yakha film“Omla”.
Likewise Newari film “Swayamagu” received best costume and screen play award, MAgar film “Raiya” received best music award. Among three selected short movie Sunuwar language film “Go Su Nanga”received best short movie award and Sanjog Lafa Magar directorial “Kamal Pokhari”(Newar Heritage) received best documentary award. Among forty six films 9 film were screened for the festival. In two day long festival three short movies and two documentaries were also screened.